All Looters are footmen, and their standard equipment is nothing more than. While mildly difficult to defeat at first, they become nearly powerless later in the game. They are weak and exist all over Calradia. Looters, also called 'River Pirates' in earlier versions, are the standard type of lawless scum.
Snowbird Games heartily recommends that you do, so that you can enjoy all the new bits. Players that already own Caribbean! can download it for free, but as the save games aren't compatible, you'll have to start over. Originally released as Caribbean! by Snowbird Games, Blood and Gold: Caribbean! is essentially the same game, but with a slew of additional features that were cut when the game left early access. If you've played Mount & Blade and have a craving for a dash more pirates and a dollop of battles at sea, then Blood and Gold: Caribbean! is for you.